PTP:097. Finding Faith-Defeating Doubt

PTP:097. Finding Faith-Defeating Doubt

The worldview of the “Pathway to Promise” podcast is that every person has a God-given promised a life of peace, prosperity, and purpose and you must follow a planned pathway to quickly overcome profound life challenges to achieve that promised life. The “Pathway to Promise” podcast integrates practical teaching by Dr. Brad Miller along with interviews with experts, authors and thought leaders in the field of life transformation.

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Brad Miller 0:00
pathway to promise podcast with Dr. Brad Miller Episode Number 97. Defeating doubt and finding faith.

Unknown Speaker 0:12
This is doubt Tippett, author of seven daily choices where we’re training Christian leaders to create, build and sustain a thriving life with others. You’re listening to Dr. Brad Miller and the pathway to promise podcast where we’re learning how to overcome adversity to achieve your promise life of peace, prosperity and purpose.

Brad Miller 0:33
You’re on the pathway to promise with Dr. Brad Miller. Brad believes every person has a god given promised life of peace, prosperity and purpose, and that you must have a plan and a guide to get there. The pathway to promise podcast Not only is your guide through the wilderness of depression and disappointment that stand between you and your promise life, but also brings you insights and direction from inspiring successful thought leaders who have transformed their lives. Welcome to the pathway to promise. Now here’s Brad. Hello again, good people and welcome to pathway to promise with Dr. Brad Miller. I am just thrilled that you are joining me today. As we talk about matters that matter. Today we’re talking about defeating doubt and finding faith. Here at the pathway to promise podcast we are all about helping you to overcome adversity in your life. The things that happened, the circumstantial things that happen in your life that can put us in the ditch if we let him and find a pathway to achieve what we like to call the promise life, the life of peace and prosperity and purpose. The peace is about our mental health, about our sense of peace of mind. The prosperity is have it enough to have a sense of fulfillment in our life that has to do with having a place to live having good relationships. It has to having enough money and everything else. And the purpose piece has to do with having a reason for doing all those things. Having a function to have and having a way to contribute to the greater good of the world. That can’t happen. Unless we have a way to defeat the doubters in our life. And to overcome them, overcome doubters, by finding face. We have lots of resources for you at our website, pathway promised calm, head over there and get a free gift. And also understanding that there’s a lot of great past episodes of the podcast from great teachers who can speak into your life. Now today, finding our faith feeding our faith, starving our doubts, putting down and getting rid or defeating doubters in your life. You have some visions that God has laid in your heart and your mind, whatever they are, what am I is to write a book which I’m working on right now, which you come out in the not too distant future. But what’s yours? But here’s the thing, whatever great vision you may have, you have to have two factors have to be involved here. You have to have faith that you can accomplish that goal. And also you have to understand there are forces. There are sometimes people when sometimes circumstances that are going to want to resist you. They’re going to put doubt seeds of doubt into your mind if you let them. They’re actually can be people who doubt you people want to drag you down. Let’s talk for a minute about people are circumstances that can drive you into doubt if you let them. These are the people or the situations that push doubt on you and you got to push back. A doubt Person person is someone who experiences the same thing that you experienced. Let’s say you have a co worker who’s kind of stuck in there, you know routine and Not necessarily happy, but same, but they admit that they feel stuck there, and you have a bigger vision while they’re experiencing the same thing in that workplace, but they’re seeing things differently. They are not necessarily seeing evidence of good fruits, maybe you’re producing some different things than they are. And they want to bring you down. See, a doubt pusher is going to turn a positive situation into a negative, or they’re going to try to take a negative situation at difficult circumstance and to make it worse. So also a negative pushing per person, one who is filled with doubt, is going to reject the faithfulness of others. If you’re that man or woman of faith, there’s going to be people in your life. They’re going to say that doesn’t mean anything. That’s meaningless. This is what we got to push back against. Also a person who’s a doubter, who’s it’s leaning towards doddery will exaggerate fear or will go for the insecurity and others and take that in tried to magnify that. And they often are people who have a poor self image.

A doubt pusher is also someone who may actually actively want to cause others to fail or help want others to cheer actually gets them to keep them from reaching their potential. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Maybe you at one time and other had been one of those type of people and are turning things around. There are doubt pushers there are doubtful you know Doubting Thomas and the in the Bible is one who would not believe unless it was proved to them. Want to get in with you, my friend here today that you have to push against the doubt pushers in your life, even with their internal, even if it’s from resistance that comes from the great project, the great thing that you want to accomplish that God is leaving laid on your heart circumstances happen. That’s what we’d like to sometimes call the adverse conditions that that we face. Those are the adversities that can lead us to a pathway of doubt. But let’s just talk for a minute, just a few things about how you can push against that by having and building on our faith. Let’s just use the alliteration the word faith, okay. FAITH, here is some of the things that you can do and I would encourage you to do it, write these down if you care to, I think you’re going to be helpful to you think about faith in these terms to FI Faith is to be forward looking. Generally a doubter looks backwards to what has not happened, or what has, you know, the failures of the past doesn’t see the future. And I invite you to be forward, looking forward to what is possible, not what has already happened. So that’s the F, in the word faith is to be forward, oriented. The a and the word faith is for action. You will be surprised, my friend, if have the power of taking action, taking action will build momentum in a positive direction. And even if you have times in your life and your journey, where you go backwards or you get stuck a little bit, you don’t have to stay stuck. Action leads us to gain traction, so we can move forward. So I invite you to be an action oriented person. So one of the things I’ve used as my My daily vision casting I have for myself is to take action. The key verses scripture that I often use in my teaching by leading a second Timothy one seven, which says God did not give you a spirit of bolt did not give you a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love and self discipline. So if you’re not timid, that then you’re bold and that’s an action taking person. So I invite you to be action taking, you will be surprised how just a mere fact of motion of movement will help you feel better about yourself and move forward. I find that in exercising when I move and exercise at the moment, I might not like it may be a little bit cumbersome, but I certainly feel better about myself on my end, I’m more productive when I move, take action. So the F is for forward, the AS for action. The eye in the word faith is for inspiration or to be inspired So that’s where you draw on great teaching. That’s where you allow yourself to be filled with great music. Great things that you read. Allow yourself to be inspired by the success stories of other people. Allow your your emotions to be filled up by the good stuff, allow your intellect, your cognitive powers, to be fulfilled by the things which inspire you, to tell you that this can be done. A forward looking faith means we allow ourselves to be filled up by others and by the intentional acts that we take intentional inspiration is another way of looking at this. So there’s the

F on the word faith is for forward. The a and the word faith is for action. IN the word faith is for inspiration. And the T and the word faith is through others. This is where we work with inspiring people. And we have accountability people in our lives, I people who can be encouraging to us, that is surround yourself with people who can be encouraging, because those doubters are always going to be out there as well, aren’t they? So let’s also intentionally seek out others who can encourage us that might be some of those inspiring people we were just talking about through books and tapes and other things like that. But I also encourage you to connect up personally with other people. If we could be helpful here at a pathway to promise head over to our Facebook page pathway promise, and we can make some connections there as well, as well as our website pathway but I invite you to have a personal connection with others. So the TS for through others FS for forward action. As for action is for inspiration, the T is for through others. And the HN. The word faith is higher power, higher power. I’m just a big believer, friends, that you can’t do this on your view of your own accord. You cannot succeed, have your own accord, you have to have a higher power. I call that God in my life. I’m a Christian, I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. And so I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. And that’s where I draw my sense of higher power. Whatever faith tradition you come from, draw on something greater than yourself, to help sustain you. Here’s the thing. Doubt pushers are going to try to drag you down, whether it’s actual person or something external. They will put your adversity or your circumstances that will they will use that to separate that from your dream. They will use that to separate you from God or your higher power. And faith is what invokes a higher power into our circumstances into our adversity. And that’s what then sustains us and gets us through the adverse conditions. a doubter will remove this higher power from present living a doubter was a, this is just, you know, just life just happens. They will say that God or higher power has nothing to do with it. Whereas the faithful person will release the higher power will release God to be a at an absolute part of daily living. So I encourage you to have a daily spiritual moment, have a daily time of journaling or prayer or meditation, whatever it would be in order to fulfill you and to sustain you. That’s what I think help you in your life. So that’s your formula for faith your friends, you have to push away and push against those who doubt. You have to then invoke face, forward action, forward thinking, action, be inspired through other people and invoke a higher power. That is where you can defeat, doubt, and find your faith to succeed in your life. Here at the pathway to promise we want to help you succeed in life. And to find your promise life of peace, prosperity and purpose. You can head over to our website pathway promise com, we got some helpful things for you there, cleaning back episodes of the podcast, and a free gift at pathway promise. com. We’re here to be helpful to you. Dr. Brad Miller, is my name. And if I could speak into your life, if we can be in connection, let’s do that. You can head over to also to our Facebook page slash pathway Promise, and we can be engaged in some conversation there. Until next time, friends this is Dr. Brad Miller encouraging you to keep your promises because they’re our promise. Thanks so much for taking the pathway to promise but Dr. Brad Miller as a subscriber, you’ll be a vital part of the pathway to promise community visit us on the web at pathway Until next time, remember to stay on your pathway to promise

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The post PTP:097. Finding Faith-Defeating Doubt appeared first on The Forty Day Way w/ Dr Brad Miller.