146. The Choice to Reinvent Yourself with the author of “Katherine’s Quest: One Woman Journey to Elation” Pat Alva-Kraker

Author Pat Alva-Kraker is Dr. Brad Miller’s guest on Episode 146 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast.

Pat Alva-Kraker (formerly Alva-Green) has experienced many ups and downs during her life. Instead of giving up, she fought. She was her own catalyst for change and was determined to create the life she envisioned—and deserved.

She talks to Brad about her success in the corporate world which instead of fulfilling her left her drained and unhappy. Beyond that, she faced great adversity in a diagnosis of cancer, a layoff from her job, and the grief of the untimely death of her husband.

In this, in-depth conversation, she tells of the decisions she made to reinvent her life and choose elation as she celebrates living an empowered life through the healing power of new beginnings.

The result was writing the book “Katherine’s Quest – One Woman’s Journey to Elation” and launching Majestic Coaching Group <https://www.majesticcoachinggroup.com> designed 

to mentor female entrepreneurs to make a positive, joyful impact in the world.

Reinvention and choosing elation are the focus of Dr. Brad Miller’s conversation with Author Pat Alva-Kraker on Episode 146 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast.

The Beyond Adversity Podcast exists to help people to navigate adverse life events (depression, divorce, disease, debt, death) and emerge to a life of peace, prosperity, and purpose and is published weekly by Dr. Brad Miller at drbradmiller.com


Brad Miller:

Dr. Brad Miller here with you on beyond

Brad Miller:

adversity the podcast where we help you to navigate adverse

Brad Miller:

conditions in your life and to come out to a place of peace,

Brad Miller:

prosperity and purpose. And we do that by talking to you some

Brad Miller:

great leaders and some great folks who are authors and pro

Brad Miller:

people who can provide you with some help in your life. And

Brad Miller:

that's the case or today is we have author and business life

Brad Miller:

strategist Pat Alva craker with us to share with us a little bit

Brad Miller:

about her life. She's had her share of challenges in her in

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her life, in her family life and in health related things. And

Brad Miller:

but she's now developed a process through her book about

Brad Miller:

called one woman's her book is called Katherine's quest, one

Brad Miller:

woman's journey to the elation. So we're going to find out all

Brad Miller:

about elation today. So Pat, Welcome to Beyond adversity.

Brad Miller:

Thank you, Brad. It's awesome. We're glad that you're here

Brad Miller:

today. And you've got quite a fascinating story about how you

Brad Miller:

have dealt with things in your life. And now you're a

Brad Miller:

successful in the business world and a coach and strategist. But

Brad Miller:

it's not always been the case. You've had some some challenges

Brad Miller:

to deal with. Tell us a little bit about your background, your

Brad Miller:

story about some of the challenges that you had to face

Brad Miller:

in your life? Yes,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

thank you. And you're one of the things you

Pat Alva-Kraker:

focus on several things that that are common to us as being

Pat Alva-Kraker:

on our journey and actually learning the lessons that we're

Pat Alva-Kraker:

learning. And I relate to several of them that you have on

Pat Alva-Kraker:

your list. Certainly, disease is one of them. at the young age of

Pat Alva-Kraker:

44, I learned that I had breast cancer, and heavily on my 26

Pat Alva-Kraker:

year thriver. But that's certainly that's awesome. Yeah,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

it's it shouldn't be in my boots it. It made me come to realize

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that I wanted to get a better understanding of what is it that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

got me here? What decisions was I making, what beliefs, what

Pat Alva-Kraker:

habits did I have? That got me to this point. And so there was

Pat Alva-Kraker:

a lot of reflection, that was that took place during that time

Pat Alva-Kraker:

of healing, which did include some of the traditional chemo

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and radiation. And then I decided to take responsibility

Pat Alva-Kraker:

for my own healing and began to use alternative medicine in the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

process, or in conjunction with traditional Medicaid, medical,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really chemo and radiation. So I use massage, I learned how to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

use oils, I even became a Reiki therapist in the process of

Pat Alva-Kraker:

healing myself, because I felt that it was going to be really

Pat Alva-Kraker:

my responsibility to heal myself. And what I learned in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the process of my journey to healing myself is that I had

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really put myself on the bottom of the list. My self care habits

Pat Alva-Kraker:

were just they weren't there, I was pouring into others, and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

helping others helping family helping friends, and really

Pat Alva-Kraker:

didn't take the time to take care of myself. I had a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

stressful job, and was doing a lot of traveling. And I just

Pat Alva-Kraker:

didn't make time for myself I just gave from really I gained

Pat Alva-Kraker:

from an empty cup. Okay, doesn't work. So I see the the, my

Pat Alva-Kraker:

journey with cancer as a alarm, a wake up call, to tell me that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I need to align my job, my career, my health, with the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

things that really matter. So it rain, it really made me stop and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

think of what is it that was really bringing me joy and what

Pat Alva-Kraker:

was not. And how was I going to shift in my life to make myself

Pat Alva-Kraker:

number one on top of the list so that I was giving to others from

Pat Alva-Kraker:

a full cup, and I was taking the time to take care of myself. So

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I started making changes in my career and stopped the travel

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and got to a place where I wasn't traveling and all and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really got my life back and was able to really prosper in a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

career that I then thoroughly enjoyed and really started

Pat Alva-Kraker:

noting the little things that I was doing. That was taking me

Pat Alva-Kraker:

from where I was to where I wanted to be. And that was the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

discipline of having a very powerful morning routine. Okay,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

oh, my routine is a mind body and soul routine. And it's these

Pat Alva-Kraker:

this is a practice that I teach my clients it's the first hour

Pat Alva-Kraker:

of your day is the most powerful hour. Your day, you'll learn a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

lot about yourself about about yourself, and how you're

Pat Alva-Kraker:

empowering yourself in the first hour. So when I started to do

Pat Alva-Kraker:

was I decided to bring in meditation, which is something

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that you and I agree is very important in people's lives.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Being still, and being able to hear the whispers that our

Pat Alva-Kraker:

higher self that spirits trying to convey to us, I learned about

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the importance of affirmations, and really using affirmations to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

heal myself. And one of those is that my body supports everything

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I want to do in life.

Brad Miller:

Wow, that's awesome. So, yeah, your body

Brad Miller:

supports what you want to do in life. So you have to have

Brad Miller:

Stephen Covey calls that sharpening the saw, we have to

Brad Miller:

sharpen the saw in order to you know, get through the rest of

Brad Miller:

your day and to achieve things. And I think that that's great.

Brad Miller:

So tell us a bit about what place you came from and what

Brad Miller:

motivated you. You sound like you, you know, you had this

Brad Miller:

health issue, you had some you lost a husband as well. And you

Brad Miller:

had some simple things. But where were you? What motivated

Brad Miller:

you to take some bold action here? What really got you go on

Brad Miller:

here? What was there some episode or some situation where

Brad Miller:

you kind of had, you know, a bad point, a tipping point? Yeah,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the tipping point. Yeah, I would say the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

tipping point was when my husband died at an early age.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And at the time, my husband and I were running a 200 acre exotic

Pat Alva-Kraker:

animal ranch. And when he passed, I then became was a sole

Pat Alva-Kraker:

risk, the sole was the sole responsible person for making

Pat Alva-Kraker:

this rat, this ranch, work and, and thrive. We did have a

Brad Miller:

loss and sounds pretty, pretty intensive, just I

Brad Miller:

don't know much about that world. But it sounds pretty

Brad Miller:


Pat Alva-Kraker:

We were feeding 450 animals. And I had a ranch

Pat Alva-Kraker:

hand. And the two of us had to make it work while I was still

Pat Alva-Kraker:

in my corporate job. And I was still and I was doing the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

coaching on the side. And a dear friend of mine said, he says

Pat Alva-Kraker:

you're either going to pick yourself up, you're either going

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to crawl and die, you're going to get in bed and crawl and die.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Are you going to pick yourself up from the bootstraps? Which

Pat Alva-Kraker:

one are you going to do? Okay. And I said, I'm going to pick

Pat Alva-Kraker:

myself up from the bootstraps. So I made that decision that in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

there that I was really going to have to be a better leader of my

Pat Alva-Kraker:

life, that self leadership was really going to be a number one

Pat Alva-Kraker:

component of how I shifted from being in this place of sadness,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

depression, and feeling on a plate that was just overwhelmed

Pat Alva-Kraker:

with responsibility to one where I was learning how to manage my

Pat Alva-Kraker:

emotions, being able to prioritize, and being able to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really trust myself. And some of my teachers in that process,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

where all the animals that I had knew that I had potbelly pigs

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and I had donkeys that I was really, really close to. And

Pat Alva-Kraker:

it's really amazing how they can tune in to you, and how they

Pat Alva-Kraker:

embraced me and how I watched them as they thrived because I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

had to be very intimate, in grow in rate taking care of them,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

because I had to notice every single thing about them to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

determine if they were healthy, if they were suffering if their

Pat Alva-Kraker:

feet were okay if they were eating. And I began to tune in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the six senses.

Brad Miller:

And it's fascinating how you're part of

Brad Miller:

your healing was the process of interacting with other living

Brad Miller:

things, the animals as a part of your healing and wholeness

Brad Miller:

process. And that that's great. Tell us what it was about you.

Brad Miller:

You were mentioned some practices like meditative

Brad Miller:

practices and things like this, and I'm a big believer in

Brad Miller:

drawing. For us to get through adversity, we have to not only

Brad Miller:

take some of the bold actions you took to break out of that

Brad Miller:

pattern, you know, both pull yourself up by the bootstraps,

Brad Miller:

as you said, but to draw on some. It's not all about you, we

Brad Miller:

have we boo pull ourselves up about the bootstraps, we also

Brad Miller:

have to draw on a higher power I believe. Tell us a little bit

Brad Miller:

about how you do that and how that process works for you.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

So yes, I absolutely believe in higher

Pat Alva-Kraker:

power and believe in my higher self. And one of the things that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that became a very strong pensive principle for me in the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

way I live my life is that I don't have to know the how of a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

situation. I just need to trust the process of life and know

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that I've been given the answers. So when I went to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

spirit I said I don't know how I'm going to make all of this

Pat Alva-Kraker:

work the ranch my career, working for corporate but I'm

Pat Alva-Kraker:

going to trust you that you will show me the how you will show me

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the how and what I'm going to Do as I'm going to be still. And

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I'm going to ask, what is the next thing for me to do? And

Pat Alva-Kraker:

then I'm going to wait for you to guide me. And then I'm going

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to go and do that.

Brad Miller:

So you were seeking, one of the

Brad Miller:

terminologies I've used for this type of thing is leadings, you

Brad Miller:

know, like a spiritual eating or a, or a conscious sense of

Brad Miller:

consciousness from your unconscious? Absolutely. So did

Brad Miller:

that work out for you? What I'm getting at did you did? You

Brad Miller:

know, sometimes people get, you know, frustrated, they wait, and

Brad Miller:

they wait, and they wait, and they think, well, that's never

Brad Miller:

gonna happen. But how did that work for you? Did you have a

Brad Miller:

sense of guidance and direction and discernment?

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I can tell you that. I in some, I did have a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

situation where I learned it the hard way.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Where I was given guidance, it was I had these, I was

Pat Alva-Kraker:

traveling, and I had these beautiful earrings that have

Pat Alva-Kraker:

been a gift. And in my guidance, Spirit said, don't take those

Pat Alva-Kraker:

earrings. Leave them here at home. And I just what if I take

Pat Alva-Kraker:

these earrings, it'll be the one thing that I can wear with

Pat Alva-Kraker:

everything, and blah, blah, blah. And so I didn't pay

Pat Alva-Kraker:

attention, and I lost one of them on my trip. And I said, I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

will never doubt what is told to me, I'm never in I'm told X, Y

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and Z and it becomes crystal clear. I no longer doubt it, I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

just do it. I just do it. Because I've learned the hard

Pat Alva-Kraker:

way that when I think that I know better.

Brad Miller:

And some people don't, some people call that

Brad Miller:

intuition or whatever, or leading different types of ways

Brad Miller:

we can do that. But also, many people ignore those things, you

Brad Miller:

know, they just kind of push them aside and take all that

Brad Miller:

stuff in our head is that a kind of whatever I ate something bad,

Brad Miller:

or whatever it would be, you know, just some, they brush it

Brad Miller:

off. But what I'm hearing you say here, Pat, is to be a good

Brad Miller:

listener to you know, be intuitive about the things that

Brad Miller:

are being shared with you from


from a higher level. And to follow and follow your


message. Don't doubt it? Yeah.

Brad Miller:

Another piece of this, I think it's important to

Brad Miller:

pad is the kind of the emotional wherewithal in order to get

Brad Miller:

through stuff. I call it the emotional feel that helps us to

Brad Miller:

get through things. And many times that comes through

Brad Miller:

relationships. And you mentioned how you lost your husband, and

Brad Miller:

you had some all kinds of other things happening. Tell us about

Brad Miller:

how relationships good or bad, but hopefully more good than

Brad Miller:

bad, helped you in this process of navigating all these things

Brad Miller:

that you mentioned here about the business and our ranch, and

Brad Miller:

you know, you had your health problems, you lost your husband.

Brad Miller:

But tell me about positive relationships for loving,

Brad Miller:

affirming emotional relationships that may have

Brad Miller:

helped you in this process are bidding up to hold you

Brad Miller:


Pat Alva-Kraker:

Absolutely. The what I've learned is that,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

especially when I lost the ranch, and I was doing

Pat Alva-Kraker:

everything, by myself, is that there was no way that I was

Pat Alva-Kraker:

going to really come out on the other side without asking for

Pat Alva-Kraker:



There's no way

Pat Alva-Kraker:

there's no way I was going to be able to handle

Pat Alva-Kraker:

all those responsibilities. And I had to learn how to ask for

Pat Alva-Kraker:

help. And be open to receiving help. Because in life, in order

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to accomplish big things and actually get healed from

Pat Alva-Kraker:

situations, we must open up our heart and others love on us and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

pour on us in order to start making those baby steps to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

healing and coming on the other side.

Brad Miller:

Can you be a little more specific about how any

Brad Miller:

person or situation or came alongside you or you reached out

Brad Miller:

to someone or they reached out to you how that played out.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

So we know that the ranch and Randy was really

Pat Alva-Kraker:

close with my husband, they work together and managing the ranch.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And they did divide and conquer if you will. And when I took me

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the total responsibility. Randy and I had to become really

Pat Alva-Kraker:

close. And in working together. Not only were we both sad, of

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the loss of dogs, and realize that in order for us to move

Pat Alva-Kraker:

forward, we had to be able to count on each other. So I had to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

count on him to help me take care of the animals that had to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

count on his expertise. And I had to count on him to be a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

shoulder that I could cry on. That when things got really

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really bad. I had a bad day that I would go I could go to Randy

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and say, You know what, I just need to cry and we'll just we'll

Pat Alva-Kraker:

just let me cry. And and just hold me and just give me a hug.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And we began to be that, that, that shoulder for each other

Pat Alva-Kraker:

without any judgment knowing that Part of our pain was to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

actually express the pain and be comfortable and feel safe with

Pat Alva-Kraker:

someone to be able to do that with Yes,

Brad Miller:

well also then that that takes a relationship much

Brad Miller:

beyond any kind of an employer employee type of thing or

Brad Miller:

working together, it goes to a deeper level in order to have

Brad Miller:

healing in order to have get it through adverse conditions, like

Brad Miller:

a death in the family or disease or financial issues. We just

Brad Miller:

need that when he people who are on our side, and we can be

Brad Miller:

emotional with, you know, emotions is the fuel that helps

Brad Miller:

drive us to change, I believe, and are a big part of it. And

Brad Miller:

that's such an important thing. Have you been able to do that

Brad Miller:

for other other folks, either in your coaching or in your life,

Brad Miller:

being able to be the advocate for others,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I have been an advocate for others. Definitely,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I've been an advocate for for women who have gone through

Pat Alva-Kraker:

breast cancer, I've made available, made myself

Pat Alva-Kraker:

available. And getting myself involved in cancer care services

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and working with women, and helping them just cope and be be

Pat Alva-Kraker:

there to help actually, you know, facilitate their their

Pat Alva-Kraker:

healing through Reiki. And so I poured my fan to that particular

Pat Alva-Kraker:

community of women who have cancer so that we can with

Pat Alva-Kraker:

another partner by a side be able to get through the process.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And what I find is really, in the business strategy work in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the business coaching work, is that the women that thrive the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

most that are most successful are those that really know how

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to lead themselves. And when you're not a lead yourself, you

Pat Alva-Kraker:

are a better leader on the outside with your teams and the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

community. So I focus a lot on the inside. I focus a lot on

Pat Alva-Kraker:

give, helping them get clear, helping them take Be courageous

Pat Alva-Kraker:

enough to take the next step, helping them realize that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

they're exactly where they need to be.

Brad Miller:

Sir, go ahead, finish your thought there.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Well, so many times, we tend to compare

Pat Alva-Kraker:

ourselves and we compare our chapter one to somebody else's

Pat Alva-Kraker:

chapter five. And one of the things about being a leader and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really growing in your business is that you have your own sacred

Pat Alva-Kraker:

path that's been laid out for you. And it's, it's when you

Pat Alva-Kraker:

embrace that, then you're you're open to learning the lessons,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and you're open to honoring the path that you're on. And there

Pat Alva-Kraker:

is no comparison.

Brad Miller:

Yeah. And you're focused now. You are a business

Brad Miller:

leader and strategist and you focus a lot on with women

Brad Miller:

entrepreneurs, and you've talked about that pathway. You just

Brad Miller:

mentioned it a second ago and your your book is called journey

Brad Miller:

to elation. And elation means to me means you know, like an

Brad Miller:

ecstatic state one where you have just pure joy, pure joy.

Brad Miller:

And yet you've mentioned silver, you know, episodes where you

Brad Miller:

didn't have joy, you had a lot of grief and a lot of other

Brad Miller:

things going on. So what are what are when you work with

Brad Miller:

folks? What are some of the ways that they're going to what are

Brad Miller:

some of the steps they're going to take on this journey to

Brad Miller:

elation? gaggy be more love more specific of if a woman comes to

Brad Miller:

you and wants a little help here on a business strategy, but also

Brad Miller:

has to learn more not only business it's you know, it's

Brad Miller:

kind of life and how to have some joy in your life. What are

Brad Miller:

they gonna learn? What are they gonna learn from your book or

Brad Miller:

from your coaching or from what you have to offer that can help

Brad Miller:

them get to this point of elation

Pat Alva-Kraker:

or realization right? Like when you have your,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

your first baby your grandchild, you swim with the dolphins, that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

level of elation? Yes. In my in my program, what I do is we do

Pat Alva-Kraker:

we start with the inner work that with the inner work, and I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

help them get clarity on what it is that they actually want out

Pat Alva-Kraker:

of life, not only in their business, but also in their

Pat Alva-Kraker:

life, and help them be clear on how those two actually work

Pat Alva-Kraker:

together. Because once women are very clear on what they want out

Pat Alva-Kraker:

of life and out of their business, then the next step is

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really putting the plan together and executing. And why encourage

Pat Alva-Kraker:

them to start taking the baby steps because in that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

encouragement to take that bold step, you start becoming

Pat Alva-Kraker:

confident and then you're all of a sudden you're beginning to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

thrive. Then we also take a look at their specific blueprint, I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

may Human Design Specialist. So Human Design is a combination of

Pat Alva-Kraker:

DNA, your birthday to astrology, and what it does is it lays out

Pat Alva-Kraker:

a blueprint of what makes you successful in your business

Pat Alva-Kraker:

based on your constitution. So they we will have a conversation

Pat Alva-Kraker:

on their specific blueprint and they will learn how they best

Pat Alva-Kraker:

make decisions, how they best work in teams, how they best

Pat Alva-Kraker:

like to connect I got like, like to learn how to get things done.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And once they understand what their constitution is and what

Pat Alva-Kraker:

their their true alignment is, then they grow their business

Pat Alva-Kraker:

from that space.

Brad Miller:

Well give us some specifics on this. You mentioned

Brad Miller:

baby steps, for instance. And maybe you could even speak

Brad Miller:

about, you know, maybe hypothetically about some folks

Brad Miller:

you've worked with, what are some examples of some of these

Brad Miller:

baby steps that you advocate for people to take or, you know, fun

Brad Miller:

things you mentioned earlier was like a morning routine. But help

Brad Miller:

us out a little bit if if I send a person to you a woman

Brad Miller:

entrepreneur to what are they going to learn from you some of

Brad Miller:

the specifics?

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Okay, so definitely I talked about the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

the morning, which is going to be one of the ones that I work I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

work with women on, and I help them create their own their

Pat Alva-Kraker:

individual morning routine. And that rote routine that they

Pat Alva-Kraker:

create is going to have a moment of silence, affirmation,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

visualizing what they want, a form of movement, or exercise,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

reading, and journaling. So that's one of the first steps

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that I'm going to ask them to take every morning, so that they

Pat Alva-Kraker:

start establishing a grounded morning a day where they have

Pat Alva-Kraker:

clarity of what needs to be done. So that whatever happens

Pat Alva-Kraker:

in their day, in the middle of day, they know exactly how

Pat Alva-Kraker:

they're going to start their day. And it's in full control of

Pat Alva-Kraker:

aligning, aligning the spirit, and being very clear on the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

things that need to get done. When you start your morning in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that way, it's a very powerful morning that allows you to move

Pat Alva-Kraker:

closer to your goals when you start it that way. And then I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

teach them to live their life through intention. So I teach

Pat Alva-Kraker:

them a process that includes getting very clear about the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

intention of something that they're doing. Let's say they're

Pat Alva-Kraker:

going to a meeting and they want the meeting to have a certain

Pat Alva-Kraker:

outcome. I teach them a process that says, Okay, what is the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

intention of this meeting? What is it that you want the outcome

Pat Alva-Kraker:

of this meeting to be? And then I asked them, How do you want to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

feel while you're in that meeting? You want to feel

Pat Alva-Kraker:

confident, you want to feel articulate, you want to feel

Pat Alva-Kraker:

connected? You know, you want to feel that you're you're

Pat Alva-Kraker:

connecting with your higher source, how do you want to feel?

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And by the way, how do you want the people in your meeting to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

feel, let's, let's talk about the energy and they're in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

interaction with you and, and their level of attention and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

commitment. And so those three, those three elements go into a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

discussion of, let's set your intention. And then we're going

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to start doing that every time you have an activity every time

Pat Alva-Kraker:

you pick up the phone, every time we have a meeting or a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

proposal, and we'd have a conversation with with someone,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

we're going to go through this intention exercise.

Brad Miller:

So this is up to people actually develop, they

Brad Miller:

write something down, they have some sort of exercise where they

Brad Miller:

share and something. So they have a tangible tool to use.

Brad Miller:

That is a tangible tool that they use

Pat Alva-Kraker:

for everything going forward. I mean, I even

Pat Alva-Kraker:

use it when I go shopping. I said.

Brad Miller:

So it's not just it's not just a business meeting

Brad Miller:

thing, it's your

Pat Alva-Kraker:

lounge, it is a life practice. It is a live

Pat Alva-Kraker:

practice of setting intention, and asking for what it is that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

they want as an outcome. And then what I invite them to do is

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I asked them, well, you set your intention. Now I want you to do

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that separate yourself, detach yourself from that request, and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

allow spirit, God, great, something, whatever that is for

Pat Alva-Kraker:

you source to give you that or something better.

Brad Miller:

And that's where we're going with the simulation

Brad Miller:

with the joyful life here. So sounds like you've been, you

Brad Miller:

know, you have a coaching practice here of majestic

Brad Miller:

coaching. And you have your book, majestic coaching group

Brad Miller:

calm is your website. And then but tell us about somebody,

Brad Miller:

let's be specific for a minute about somebody you've worked

Brad Miller:

with how they have had some of these outcomes that you have

Brad Miller:

mentioned, because if you know if I would prefer, you know,

Brad Miller:

certain people I work with to you, I want to have some

Brad Miller:

understanding that you know, there's a good chance they're

Brad Miller:

going to have some good outcome here. So can you tell us what

Brad Miller:

about somebody you've worked with? Maybe they've had they've

Brad Miller:

had some good outcome?

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Yes. So definitely. Yeah, many times

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I'll use Mary as an example. Let me say Mary, so American to me

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and said she was ready to make the jump from corporate into

Pat Alva-Kraker:

intrapreneurship. And we started with clarity, right. So as I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

said, what, what kind of women or clients do you want to work

Pat Alva-Kraker:

with and and what you want to do so at the very beginning, the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

answers were, well, I want to work with women entrepreneurs.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

And when you say that your scope of what you can do is huge. And

Pat Alva-Kraker:

I said, Okay, what we need to do, in order for you to be

Pat Alva-Kraker:

successful, it's important that you narrow your scope to the

Pat Alva-Kraker:

type of women that you want to support. So then it when she

Pat Alva-Kraker:

became clear, she says, Well, I want to I want to work with

Pat Alva-Kraker:

women who are in the healing business. Okay, so that moves

Pat Alva-Kraker:

women brought from entrepreneurs to women who have healing

Pat Alva-Kraker:

businesses. Okay, so now we're looking at women who have

Pat Alva-Kraker:

healing businesses, what type of healing? Are you talking about?

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Is it traditional medicine? Is it alternative medicine? Is it

Pat Alva-Kraker:

mind body and soul medicine? What kind of healing is a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

particular person providing? So then she got it, narrowed it

Pat Alva-Kraker:

down? Well, I want to work with Reiki healers, I said, Okay, so

Pat Alva-Kraker:

then there's all type of Reiki healers, what is your ideal

Pat Alva-Kraker:

client look like? is you have a certain type of personality that

Pat Alva-Kraker:

you love working, that lights your fire when your work when

Pat Alva-Kraker:

you're with them? How would you describe that person to me? And

Pat Alva-Kraker:

then, you know, Mary will say, Well, I want to work someone, I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

want to work with the woman who has a Reiki business, who is

Pat Alva-Kraker:

coachable, who is willing to experiment and work with me on

Pat Alva-Kraker:

growing their business, okay? I want women who can pay for me, I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

want women who are spiritual, I want to work with women who are

Pat Alva-Kraker:

fun to be with. I want women so I get that I have them really

Pat Alva-Kraker:

narrow down. What does that woman look like feel like? What

Pat Alva-Kraker:

are they do? What are the Hangout? How do they spend their

Pat Alva-Kraker:

money? Do they even invest in themselves? So then we get them

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to where they're really, really clear about who it is to work

Pat Alva-Kraker:

with. And I and then I asked him, What do you think your gift

Pat Alva-Kraker:

is? Where's your gift? it are you is your gift and helping

Pat Alva-Kraker:

them package and marketing themselves? Is your gift and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

helping them come up with new designs? What is your gift and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

she said, I love marketing. I did that when I was in corporate

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and I want to help women with marketing. Okay, so now we know

Pat Alva-Kraker:

women entrepreneurs and healing specifically in with Reiki women

Pat Alva-Kraker:

who are open to are coachable, blah, blah, blah, and you are

Pat Alva-Kraker:

going to help them with their marketing? And we say yes, Okay,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

perfect. Okay, so let's put together some offerings at

Pat Alva-Kraker:

different tiers, to help your client work with you to get to

Pat Alva-Kraker:

know you first, and then have them invest their money in

Pat Alva-Kraker:

deeper, more, more sophisticated programs, so that they can get a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

flavor of you first and then continue to work with you. So

Pat Alva-Kraker:

then we help them I help them put the product there all their

Pat Alva-Kraker:

packages together all their offerings together. And then we

Pat Alva-Kraker:

say okay, how we're going to get this word out? What What is it

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that you like to do? How do you like to communicate? Do you like

Pat Alva-Kraker:

to go on video? Would you like to write? Do you like to make

Pat Alva-Kraker:

presentations? What is your favorite way of communicating,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

and let's use that favorite way of communicating to connect with

Pat Alva-Kraker:

your ideal client. So then once they say well, you know what I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

love being on video, I love being on camera, then I then we

Pat Alva-Kraker:

sit in let's put a strategy together that's associated with

Pat Alva-Kraker:

social media that starts introducing you and getting you

Pat Alva-Kraker:

in front of your ideal client.

Brad Miller:

So it sounds like you're you have a process here

Brad Miller:

that just use Mary as your example here who was able to

Brad Miller:

kind of filter out some of the things she didn't care for in

Brad Miller:

the corporate world. But focus into something she did enjoy the

Brad Miller:

marketing and so on, but also then to focus and zero in on

Brad Miller:

clarify the target market and have some fun doing it. That's

Brad Miller:

to me that's the elation part. Right?


That is the elation part. Absolutely. And she is


thriving. She's She's, she's a six figure, entrepreneur,


coaching women in the healing business, specifically Reiki,


and she has online courses, she is doing very well. And it's it


was all just going through the process that I just talked you


through. And of course, in between that time, you know,


there's doubt, and there's fear. And so we deal with those as we


take those baby steps.

Brad Miller:

Well, that's the coaching part of it. That's the

Brad Miller:

relationship building part of it, you know, like, I like to

Brad Miller:

talk about this kind of progression here, you have to

Brad Miller:

take the action she had to make reach out to you in some form or

Brad Miller:

another and somebody might want to pick up your book, whatever

Brad Miller:

that would be and then we have to do the the spiritual aspect

Brad Miller:

of it or the calling Higher Power and then that relationship

Brad Miller:

building and then there is the manifestation of the, the

Brad Miller:

disciplines, you know, the morning routine, other things

Brad Miller:

like that in order to have come out to the other side to come

Brad Miller:

out to elation. So that's, that's a good goal to have,

Brad Miller:

especially in these days when we have, you know a lot of dark

Brad Miller:

stuff, a lot of problems, a lot of things to challenges whether

Brad Miller:

it's a COVID crisis or any number of things that are

Brad Miller:

happening in the world right now,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

lots of job

Brad Miller:

losses, many people,

Pat Alva-Kraker:

a lot of women are losing jobs, or they've been

Pat Alva-Kraker:

at home and they're realizing you know what I rather, I've

Pat Alva-Kraker:

never spent so much time with my kids, or with my spouse, and I

Pat Alva-Kraker:

didn't, you know, I didn't realize somewhat how I didn't

Pat Alva-Kraker:

really know them. And I want a job that allows me to spend time

Pat Alva-Kraker:

with my family. And women are opening businesses left and

Pat Alva-Kraker:

right, more than ever before.

Brad Miller:

Well, that's awesome. And that that is

Brad Miller:

awesome. And that's what your focus is, I love your one of

Brad Miller:

things that says in your, in your website is to help women

Brad Miller:

entrepreneurs make a positive joyful impact on the world. And

Brad Miller:

I love that things that you share there. So. So Pat Alva,

Brad Miller:

craker How can people be in contact with you if they want to

Brad Miller:

learn more about you and your book and what you have to offer?

Brad Miller:

And see how you can impact their life to have elation?

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Oh, thank you, Brad for asking that question.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

majestic coaching group.com is the website. And if you're just

Pat Alva-Kraker:

now learning about my book, Catherine's quest, you can

Pat Alva-Kraker:

actually download the first chapter of the book from my

Pat Alva-Kraker:

website and experience a little bit about who I am. I make

Pat Alva-Kraker:

myself available to my clients and prospects. And I open up my

Pat Alva-Kraker:

calendar for people to schedule a strategic call, where we can

Pat Alva-Kraker:

sit down and get to know each other and actually begin an

Pat Alva-Kraker:

initial conversation on how I might be able to help you. And

Pat Alva-Kraker:

that's for free. So that when you go outside, you can make a

Pat Alva-Kraker:

call, a 30 minute call and we can have a conversation on how

Pat Alva-Kraker:

we might be able to work together and how I can help you.

Pat Alva-Kraker:

Awesome. Certainly. Yeah.

Brad Miller:

Well, that's good to hear and some some good

Brad Miller:

things here from Palo Alto craker. She's the author of

Brad Miller:

Katherine's quest, one woman's journey to elation and her

Brad Miller:

coaching program. You can find it at majestic coaching.

Brad Miller:

group.com Pat, thank you for being our guest today on beyond

The Beyond Adversity Podcast exists to help people to navigate adverse life events (depression, divorce, disease, debt, death) and emerge to a life of peace, prosperity, and purpose and is published weekly by Dr. Brad Miller at drbradmiller.com