PTP.017:”The Free Time Formula” with Jeff Sanders

In Episode 017 of the Pathway to Promise podcast, Dr. Brad Miller talks with author Jeff Sanders about gaining margin in your life to overcome adversity and achieve your goals.  Jeff unpacks the message and the core values from his book The Free Time Formula: Finding Happiness, Focus, and Productivity No Matter How Busy You Are.”

Jeff tells Dr. Brad how his ambitious schedule got the best of him and he ended up landing in the hospital with a medical emergency which got his attention. Jeff realized his life was just too busy and he needed to find a way to give himself from some wiggle room or margin so he could deal with the stressful situation at hand and move forward in a more healthy, productive manner.

Jeff goes on to share with Dr. Brad how he worked out a process of under booking his calendar which was his intentional way of prioritizing what really matters most in his life and letting go of the rest. This included an understanding and acceptance that some things just don’t get done and that’s okay.

Some of the ways Jeff took control of scheduling his life included prioritizing his health and his morning routine which includes meditation and quiet time in order to set the course for a productive day. This involves building new habits to replace old habits which are often filled with what Jeff calls “nonsense” activities which are things that don’t have to happen but were happening any by force of habit. One example of this is watching too much TV just because it’s there. Among other things, this means accepting that boredom is okay.

Jeff concludes that belief in the power of your goals is the starting point for intentionally taking control of your calendar and creating white space or margin in your life. When you have the big yes of keeping your highest priorities that makes say no to lower priorities a natural and productive thing to do.

Episode 017 of the Pathway to Promise podcast is chock-full of practical applications you can implement in your life to gain more time, enhance your productivity and reclaim your day and your promised life.

The mission of the Pathway to Promise podcast is helping people overcome adversity to achieve their God-given promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose.

The Pathway to Promise podcast is published weekly by Dr. Brad Miller who has spent 35 years in pastoral ministry and holds a doctoral degree in transformational leadership. To find out more about Pathway to Promise go to

May 2018

Dr. Brad Miller


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